Spring 2015 : We have an appointment near the Saint-Pierre market in Paris. The weather is nice, the streets are crowded and impatient drivers honk their horns relentlessly. This day is of the uttermost importance for us, because it marks the day we finally decided to embark into this big adventure called entrepreneurship. We wander around the surrounding stores, and then the aisles and we compare different fabrics that are all nicely colored. We are hesitating, no knowing where to start, however, we have to make a choice between our budget and our ambitions.
Although it is difficult to remain reasonable in such conditions we finally manage to make a decision despite our countless wishes and are able to leave satisfied. So we happily go home our arms full of beautiful fabrics, but we are still wondering what we are going to do with these amazing finds! This question requires a lot of thinking considering that we are just starting and trusting a third party is out of question.
Meanwhile, we take a well deserved break by enjoying a delicious ice cream after this long day of walking, and our discussion is all about the future of our project and how we want to build it.
Then we continue our expedition in the adjacent lanes of the market, looking for the rare pearl that will transform our fabrics into real fashion designs. The problem is that nobody we are talking to seems to be able to help us! But this does not discourage us and we decide to keep things simple by asking among people we know. One of them is a fashion designer in training and the other one is a tailor. There are no more questions to ask, this is “the perfect team”!
Together we try to make our little team work by assigning roles and at the same, I am playing around with pieces of fabrics that we bought by making collages to get an idea of what the final product will look like (see below) :

Afterward, we persevere in our activity following our instincts without having any clear directions concerning the order of events, then time passes by. Each one of us is then swamped by parallel activities, which makes it difficult or almost impossible to fully commit to our project. Nevertheless, nothing happens by chance, and Maïté announced us her upcoming trip to Congo in the framework of the Association she founded with her husband called "One Love". This episode ends our mini adventure that lasted only for a few weeks but that was without counting on an unexpected sign.
To be continued…