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Through many encounters, I have learned to observe and appreciate every human being, beyond his or her flaws. I have discovered a buried beauty within each, often invisible at first glance because of the damages left by life’s trials. But the more we share and discover each other, the more this beauty is progressively revealed and easily perceptible.


I am always captivated by the verbal and non-verbal language of those around me. Their suffering, their failures, their obstacles, their questions, their silences, the things they leave unsaid, their habits, their conflicts, their masks, etc., have long been a subject of preoccupation and consideration for me. I would ponder the “why” as to their condition and my inability to help them, but would undertake no concrete action. To see them running endlessly after any possible and imaginable formula or advice, without ever finding a satisfying answer, is a burden on my heart. I only feel relieved when the favorable outcome I have experienced can become theirs as well.


My sense of powerlessness has been replaced with the desire to tell moments of life where I have experienced victory in the face of the impossible. I have discovered and grown a limitless trust – trust which I put in a Person whose wisdom is superior to mine, whose resources are invaluable, even better, inexhaustible.

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